Protecting Your Trade Secrets
Most people mistakenly believe that trade secrets are limited to complex scientific formulas and laboratory notes. Under the laws of most states, trade secrets include any confidential or proprietary information which provides an enterprise with an advantage over its competitors. Such information can include customer lists, confidential supply sources and other information not readily available to the public. If this information falls into the hands of a competitor, or is misappropriated by employees, considerable damage can be done to your business.
Carefully drafted employee confidentiality agreements and disclosure policies can help you protect your confidential and proprietary information from improper disclosure. To achieve the full protection available, however, care must be taken to show that the information has been maintained as confidential and that efforts have been made and procedures followed to prevent disclosure.
In addition, those seeking to leave an employer should consult legal counsel prior to doing so to avoid taking information, which could subject them to liability. Legal advice can also help those leaving an employer to avoid litigation that is designed more to prevent competition than to protect legitimate trade secrets.
The Attorneys of MOCC
The attorneys of MOCC can advise you regarding every aspect of trade secret protection, including identifying confidential information and explaining how to effectively maintain trade secret protection. We can also help you avoid legal conflicts involving potentially secret information that has been relayed to your during your employment.
Call Morriss O’Bryant Compagni Cannon for a no obligation initial consultation about trade secrets, employee confidentiality agreements and corporate disclosure policies.