Morriss O’Bryant Compagni Cannon obtains patent for Jacobsen Innovations, Inc.
Title: Apparatus and System for Roasting Coffee Beans
Patent No.: 10,412,988
Inventors: Stephen C. Jacobsen, John McCullough
Title: Apparatus and System for Roasting Coffee Beans
Patent No.: 10,412,988
Inventors: Stephen C. Jacobsen, John McCullough
Title: Railroad Train With Length More Than Platform and its Marshalling System
Patent No.: 10,399,577
Inventor: Jian Liu
Title: Device With a Sensor and an Actuator and Method for Testing the Device
Patent No.: 10,392,832
Inventors: Norbert Geges, Andreas Guntli, Raphael Möhr, Verena Lukas, Roman Steiner, Dietmar R. Zöschg
Registration No.: 5,710,256